Cybercriminals are always looking to steal your hard earned money. The latest issue of the Sans Ouch! newsletter goes through a new method of social engineering being used to take advantage of honest people via text and phone, and how to best protect yourself. Click here to read the article.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – How to Outwit Malicious Mobile Apps
Downloading a mobile app from an ad is extremely dangerous. I encourage you to read the latest San’s Ouch! Newsletter and discover what happened when a lady named Sarah did exactly that. Spoiler alert…things didn’t go well. You should only download mobile apps from the Apple App Store for iPhones/iPads or the Google Play Store for Android devices. Even then you need to keep your guard up. There have been instances where both app stores were fooled for a short period of time.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Top Three Ways Cyber Attackers Target You
Unfortunately, crooks are always trying to steal your identity and/or your money. As soon as we educate people on how to protect themselves from one method, the bad guys develop a new method to take advantage of people. The latest Sans Ouch! Newsletter discusses the current methods being used by crooks to steal personal and financial information from you. Knowledge is power. I highly recommend that you read their latest newsletter, so you won’t be victim of a cybercriminal.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – The Power of the Passphrase
We all struggle with creating and remembering passwords. The more complex the password, the harder it is to remember. Well, using passphrases that are easier for you to remember can help solve your password problems. Read this excellent article, and learn how to unlock the power of the passphrase.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Digital Spring Cleaning in 7 Simple Steps
Spring arrives on March 20th. Many of us will be doing some sort of spring cleaning around our homes. Have you ever performed spring cleaning on your electronic devices? If not, now would be a great time to develop a new habit that will make you more secure. The latest issue of the Sans Ouch! Newsletter talks about seven ways to perform a digital spring cleaning. The seven steps it discusses are: accounts, programs, finances, disposing of devices, backups, and social media. If you have any questions after reading the article, please reach out to us. We are here to help!
Social Engineering – What is it?
Crooks often use social engineering to gain personal information from you that then allows them to steal your assets in various ways. The recent Sans Ouch! newsletter goes into detail about what social engineering is, and how not to be a victim. I highly recommend you take time to read this.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Got Backups?
I always try to stress the importance of having a backup plan. It’s not a matter of if, but when disaster will happen. Having a backup plan can protect what is most important to you. Some of the hardest conversations I have with a client is explaining there is either no way to recover their data, or it could be recovered if he/she wants to spend hundreds of dollars. Backups can be as simple as just backing up data files like documents, pictures, etc. Imaging backups provide a complete operating system backup. The latest Sans Ouch! Newsletter explains the process of backing up in detail. I highly recommend clicking on this link to read the article. If you don’t have a backup system in place, I highly recommend giving us a call to determine and implement a backup solution ASAP.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Personalized Scams
Crooks are always looking for ways to steal your hard earned money. Through education, social media, and news outlets the public knows many of the ploys they have been using. Unfortunately, the bad guys are now buying information about you obtained through public records, or security breaches to convince you that you need to send them money. I highly recommend that you read this month’s San Ouch! Newsletter to understand the new threats, and how to best protect yourself against them.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Smart Home Devices
You hear the names Amazon Echo and Google Home more and more these days. These are two of the most popular devices to control equipment in your home via voice command and the Internet. These smart devices all belong to the Internet of Things (I0T). While they provide convenience, they also come with security concerns. Please read the latest Sans Ouch! Newsletter to learn more about this trend, and how to best protect yourself.
Sans Ouch! Newsletter – Phone Call Attacks & Scams
You almost hate to hear your phone ring because it’s a 50-50 chance it’s some type of unwanted solicitation, or a scam. As a rule, I don’t answer my personal phone unless I know the caller. If it’s someone with a legitimate reason to call, they will leave a message, and I will call them back. In the latest edition of the Sans Ouch! Newsletter you can learn about the main scams, and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.